SWPBIS » Expectations


School-wide Expectations and One liners


  1. “On time, all the time!” - no tardies truancies, or excessive absences

  2. “Dress for success” - appropriate grade-level uniforms only

  3. “See it, hear it, take it” - Electronic devices must be away and turned off at all times

  4. “Body Control” - no verbal or physical violence

  5. “Academic language” - use appropriate school language at all times

  6. “Respond quickly and appropriately” - students must comply to all adult requests



Classroom Expectations

  1. Students must be seated in their classrooms when the bell rings (seating chart must be available to administrators, visitors, and substitutes)

  2. Students must be engaged in the learning activity

  3. Students may not leave class without a school authorized hallpass/no passes the first 10 minutes of class

  4. Students may not use cell phones, bring skateboards, personal equipment, and permanent markers.

  5. Students may not wear head coverings in the classrooms



Classroom Environment


School-wide Practices  

  1. Posting of Standards and Objective Configuration Board:

    1. What Will I Learn?

    2. How will I learn it?

    3. How will I demonstrate my learning?

  2. Agenda

                 Details the Instructional activities for the day

  1. Debrief Activity

    1. Exit Ticket

    2. Explanation of Homework and how it is aligned to the lesson

    3. Review of the Lesson  

  2. Cougar School-wide Expectations and CHAMPS

    • direct instruction

    • productive partnering/grouping

    • tests/quizzes/surveys

  3. Productive Partnering for group discussions

  4. Bulletin Board Displays/Current Student Work (CCSS Aligned)



Instructional Foci - Teaching and Learning Framework


1.  Build Academic Literacy and Language Skills (3a4)

2.  Organize Purposeful and Productive Instructional Groups (3c2)

3.  Communicate the Purpose of the Lesson (3a1)

4.  Use Questioning and Discussion Techniques (3b1)

5.  Provide Actionable Feedback to Students (3d3)


Strategies to address inappropriate behavior


Community Building

“It is a fact that in the right formation, the lifting power of many wings can achieve twice the distance of any bird flying alone.” ~ Milton Olson


CCEJ Games and Activities


Community Building Activities in the Classrooms and on the Yard


10+ Getting to Know You Activities for Teens & Adults


Icebreakers: All-About-You Activities for the First Days of School


Getting to Know You Questions