Black Student Achievement Plan
Dr. Sonia Leffall Principal
Mr. Alejandro Rivera BSAP PSW
Ms. Mossie Holley BSAP School Climate Advocate
Mr. Martin Strong BSAP Counselor
School Experience and Support
Increase access to mental and social-emotional health resources
Increase favorable school experience survey responses
Access to culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy
Decrease discipline rates (arrests, suspensions, referrals)
Elimination of policies and practices that contribute to school to prison pipeline
Academic achievement
- Graduation rate increase
- Attendance and chronic absenteeism rate decrease
- Increase enrollment in Advanced Placement and honors courses
- Increase proficiency in Math and ELA/English
- Increase number of students on track in A-G requirements
- Increase number of students at or above benchmark in literacy skills
- Decrease 1st time referrals for special education services