Resources » Instructional Technology

Instructional Technology

Future Ready John Muir Middle School
Vision, Goals, and Outcomes

The instructional technology vision for John Muir Middle School is to implement the ISTE Standards for Students to empower and prepare all John Muir stakeholders (staff, students, and community) in effectively leveraging digital resources and cultivate 21st Century practices.

Informed by the ITI Leading with Instruction Progress Report, John Muir Middle School adopted the ADKAR change management to guide the implementation process.  During the school closures, the John Muir Middle School staff experienced a wide variety of challenges with remote learning which led to a profound awareness of the need to have a clearly defined vision for creating a sustainable online learning environment.  A deep desire and commitment to pursue this vision immediately followed as demonstrated by nine John Muir staff members who signed up to become Future Ready Certified with the goal of developing our knowledge to implement the change.  These staff members will add to the existing support John Muir Middle School currently has in place including the yearly participation in the Common Sense Digital Citizenship School Certification process and Schoology Modules created by our Technology Team to provide training to all staff in their abilities to effectively teach digital citizenship and 21st Century skills.  

Some of the measurable outcomes that we expect for this year are:

  • All teachers teaching the Common Sense Digital Citizenship Curriculum

  • School Wide participation in Digital Citizenship Week with identified activities tied to our school goals

  • Increase in teachers and staff positively modeling good digital citizenship for students as measured by the number of staff providing recognitions and acknowledgements to other staff members, students, parents and community members in Schoology updates/discussions, Classcraft or Class Dojo, G-Suite comment tools, and Schoolloop. 

  • Increase in the number of students engaging in positive practices in different forms of media as measured by the number of peer to peer recognitions and acknowledgements in Schoology discussions, Classcraft or Class dojo, G-Suite comment tools, and social media incident reports. 

  • Reduction in Social Media Bullying monitored by student incident reports

  • Increase in the number of student projects that are providing and promoting solutions to issues in the community.

  • Increase in the number of classrooms participating in global collaborative projects through video conferencing software.

  • Participate in ongoing collaboration with other school teams, that implement the ISTE Standards as measured by conference and meeting attendance

  • Become a model school and showcase Student Project Presentations on effective ISTE digital citizenship implementation and computer science education

  • Performance and Survey Data will be analyzed to adjust plans with the goal of continuous and sustained improvement.

We believe that accomplishing these specific outcomes will reinforce our newfound vision and change initiative.  It is imperative that we teach students to be good digital citizens because technology has the power to help the world become a better place.  We are currently witnessing a historic change in our current policing system through nationwide protests aided by technology tools.  An instructional paradigm shift has also unfolded, sparked by the unexpected school closures due to the pandemic.  Effectively cultivating a school culture that empowers our learners (the staff, students, and community) as digital agents and interactors with positively developed digital self is our new priority.

ISTE Standards for Students In Action at Muir Middle School

Creative Communicator

See student work samples from Mrs. Kirk's class where students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Global Collaborator

See student animations in Ms. Slason's class.  They used digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with Paramount Studio Animators and working effectively in teams.

Digital Citizen

See students in Mrs. Hinrichs' class who recognized their rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.  They acted and modeled in ways that are safe, legal and ethical by creating a movie that addresses social media bullying.

Empowered Learner

 See work samples of students in Ms. Yi's Class who leveraged technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

Innovative Designer

See students in Mrs. Hamilton's class who used a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve safety problems in the neighborhood by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

Computational Thinker

See the work of Leadership students who developed and employed strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions for community Health and Wellness issues.

Knowledge Constructor

See critically curated resources from Mr. Sequeria's class using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.


More Information

ISTE Standards Resources

Future Ready Website